Welcome back to the Weekly Wrap Up! There were lots of important highlights from last week and I couldn’t get it down to the top three!

At Community and Public Services, we renewed our Memorandum of Shared Recognition and Cooperation with the Otipemisiwak Métis Government. The MSRC now reflects an updated governance structure and continues the robust relationship between our two governments. As the MSRC highlights, the wellbeing of Métis peoples living in Edmonton is directly linked to the wellbeing of all Edmontonians - we are all enriched by a thriving Métis community in our city. I look forward to continuing to work together on our shared priorities.

We also approved a land sale in the Quarters to e4c. In addition to affordable and transitionary housing, this stunning new building will also bring dozens of e4c staff to the area. I’m so excited for this great addition to the neighbourhood.

At Urban Planning, we had a comprehensive discussion on how we can use our planning processes to support climate mitigation and adaptation. The role that trees play in this work was a focus of discussion, and the use of landscape securities. Landscape securities are a tool the City uses to ensure that new developments meet landscaping requirements, including required tree planting. These trees improve flood resistance, support local species, and keep communities cool in the hot summers.

A number of years ago, a new approach to landscape securities was taken. The report found that the new method was not working to ensure landscaping standards were being met. I was happy to speak in support of re-tightening this process and extending it further. Now all new homes, including single and semi-detached housing, will have a strong financial incentive to ensure they plant the required number of trees. I’m hopeful this will go a long way in ensuring more trees in our neighbourhoods.

A fun fact that came up as part of these conversations is that there is a beautiful Alberta Tree Register! Learn more about the famous trees near you with this handy map: https://albertatreeregister.github.io/Map/

A final highlight from Executive Committee might sound boring but is truly exciting. We approved the closure of a number of driveways along Jasper Ave. This will make the street more walkability and safe by reducing conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles. These closures will compliment the investments the City is making to improve the streetscape along Jasper Ave from 114 Street to 124 Street. I’m excited to see this work continue to move ahead and I’m grateful for all property owners who took part in this process!

That’s all for this week, thank you for tuning in and have a great week ahead!


